Invited academic talks (selection)
- Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, Saxelab meeting (12/2023)
- MSN Seminars Series, Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA (02/2023)
- Flux Developmental CognitiveNeuroscience Congress, Paris, FR (09/2022)
- NYU SPiNES Seminar Series, NYU Langone Health, New York, USA (04/2022)
- Institute of Philosophy, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Brain Week Keynote (03/2021)
- Computational, Cognitive and Clinical Neuroimaging Laboratory, Imperial College London, UK, Brain Meetings seminar series (02/2021)
- Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital
(MGH)/Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts, USA, Brainmap Seminar (01/2021) - MIT Media Lab, MIT, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA, City Science Lecture (01/2021)
- Department of Experimental Psychology, University College London, UK,
Affective Brain Lab Seminar (10/2020) - Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, Cog Lunch speaker series (06/2020)
- Boston Children’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA, Nelson lab meeting (05/2020) - McLean Hospital / Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA,
Center for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Research (CDASR) Speaker Series (02/2020) - Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City, USA, Seminar Series in
Biomedical Imaging (05/2020)
Public media talks (selection)
- Keynote speaker at National Convention of Youth Drama 2023, Edinburgh, UK
- Speaker at World Academic Forum, Stockholm, SE
- Ask an expert Webinar Series: Pressure in the lives of children and adolescents, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, OECD, FR
- Stockholm Explorative Talks: Growing up during a pandemic, Stockholm Akademiska Forum, SE
- Simply Science: The Brain and Loneliness, CUNY TV, US
- Mental Help Series: Coping with loneliness and social isolation, Chicago Council on Science and Technology, US
- Psychology in Action Podcast: Psychological effects of COVID-19 (together with Prof. Diana Tamir and Dr. Katie Young), UCLA, US